Another China rant…

This really gets to me: The chinese are violating more human rights than you’ve had hot dinners. They’ve got the history’s greatest mass murderer pinned up as the centrepeice of their capital’s main square.
They threaten nuclear attacks and don’t give a damn about retaliation.
They continue to torture, kill and abuse Tibetans and their own people.
They (allegedly – though I’m not so sure after tests) censor the internet.
Oh yes and they torture cats and dogs horribly:.
And do Bush and Blair invade them like we did Iraq (supposedly for nuclear threats and human rights violations) no – they are sucking up to them right left and centre with trade agreements, Presidential visits, etc… etc… The fact that the Olympics are in Beijing in 2008 reminds me of when they were in Berlin in 1936. No doubt, Chinese officials will be doing a similar coverup operation.
I just hope a bit of freedom of information through the internet will change things.

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