Google Earth

In case you haven’t already tried google earth, you really should.
Unfortunately none of my local spots are in hi-res but I love setting it to fly around Siberia.
It’s also great exploring the wonders of the world and various sites (e.g.) have bookmarks you can use. Here’s one that Luke sent me (you have to have Google earth installed).
—–Begin anti-global-inverse-snobbery rant ———
One interesting question that occurs to me here. What with the recent spate of articles highlighting the meteoric growth of Google and its possible transition from popular garage start-up icon to increasingly MS-like multinational taking over niches right left and centre: will this sort of post be embarassing in 10 years’time? I’ve never subscribed to bashing companies just because they are successful or because they do what any other entity in the competitive capitalist world would do.
—–End anti-global-inverse-snobbery rant ———

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